To use our website, you must first register with us below. Upon registration, you will have full access to our website. After you've registered, you may simply use our "Quick Login" for your return visits. Enjoy your shopping!
- Grab Bars
- Discount Boxed Grab Bars
- Straight Grab Bars - 1.5 inch
- Straight Grab Bars - 1.25 inch
- Toilet Transfer Grab Bars
- Grab Bars with Paper Holder
- Grab Bars with Towel Bar
- Shower Grab Bars
- L-Shaped Grab Bars
- Wall to Floor Grab Bars
- Swing Up / Swing Out Grab Bars
- Antimicrobial Grab Bars
- Colored Grab Bars
- Safety Finish Grab Bars
- Mirrors
- Shower & Tub Seats
- Shower Rods
- Washroom Accessories
- Detention Products
- Anti-Ligature Accessories